Hello, NYPost "Decider"....I am sorry, but you need to be called out on a horrific error you just published online about "Takeaways" in the Epstein case. I rarely comment on these errors, but his one is so egregious that it hurts every victim in this story....(1)
2. Palm Beach Police were the ONLY people to fight for these victims from the beginning. REPEAT. The Chief, the detective, all FOUGHT like hell for these victims. For you to say the chief didn't believe them is a total, complete lie. Please get it right.
3. It was the State Attorney, Barry Krischer, who didn't believe the victims -- NOT the police chief. The chief and his detective, the late Joe Recarey, who took this case to the FEDS, at great risks to their careers, only to be disappointed by Acosta, who gave Epstein the deal..
4. I humbly suggest that you read my series, Perversion of Justice, because it's in the series. The series is very clear about who was behind the victims, and it was Chief Reiter and Joe Recarey.
PS. When my book comes out, you will know how deeply these two law enforcement officers fought for Epstein's victims.
I can't even begin to tell the world what Joe and Mike went through -- Epstein tried to destroy their lives....Do you not get it? They fought against Epstein, and he hired henchmen to follow them and their kids!
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