Social media platforms mostly operate the same way. You have a popularity metric (upvotes, likes, followers, trending) and a date metric (most recent). Certainly you have things divided into general categories. But SO much quality content sinks between the cracks.
For the sake of brevity, take Instagram. Sometimes I browse through recent posts and find incredible art that will be buried within a few milliseconds because they used the wrong hashtags.
There's also the whole "niche-ing" thing. I fucking hate this shit. Your art isn't always in the same style? You like experimenting? Well... SUCKS to be you. Would someone like da Vinci even be recognized online these days? He loves doing diff things, no niche!
Software engineers love to create algorithms to handle social media and how it filters content. I hear TikTok actually has a better algorithm for discovery, so I'm not saying algorithms never work but it sure seems like most platforms are using the same-ish algorithm or something
I'd like to see social media that has actual curators. That surfaces content in other ways besides just what is recent (disappears REAL quick) and what is popular (mostly rewards those who already have a platform).
I guess this is probably a pretty controversial take because you know, curation as gatekeeping is a thing, but at least its something a little bit different. What if curators were rotated? I refuse to believe there are no alternatives, either.
Anyway this is the end of my rant. I want to see something different. Better discovery algorithms, or human curators, or just something new.  is just 1 example I've seen, but I want to see more. Give me more, internet gods.
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