the current state of the world is so unbelievably stressful but what’s even more stressful is not knowing what information about the state of the world to believe... / a thread /
between social media mass spreading misinformation and biased news channels telling one sided stories, how are we supposed to know what to believe about anything going on?
additionally, there is so much awful that i personally am not surprised by bad news to the extent that someone could tell me the worst most unbelievable thing and i would be like “ya sure that’s probably true” because if everything else is awful why wouldn’t one more thing be bad
and then i try to research this awful thing and half sources say it’s true, half say it’s false, so what am i supposed to believe? is there truly a non biased news source that exists or are they all working for their own agendas?
i want to be able to speak on some of these issues but i don’t feel educated on them enough because i don’t trust enough sources when i research.
this doesn’t just include political matters either, its literally everything. how do you distinguish fact from opinion in an abundance of opinions? it’s needle in a haystack level exhausting.
i am looking for actual answers if anyone has any, or if you just wanna say it’s because we live in a simulation i am also accepting that at this moment / end thread /
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