I honestly can't believe how stupid some people are. LMTBO,where in my bio does it say that I work/have a job? Try oh I don't know,NOWHERE! 🙄😑🤣👎 Maybe if they were to actually read my bio,they'd find it says that I'm autistic! And that plays a big role as to why I can't work.
I usually don't like discussing such a thing openly, but I feel duty-bound to now after getting this weird message on IG. 🙄 Yes, some people who are autistic can hold down jobs/are comfortable doing so. But autism is a spectrum that affects those with it in different ways. 😑
So with that in mind, some people on the spectrum will be comfortable/able to hold down a job. But I'm not one of those people. You'd maybe not think it, with how well I communicate online,but outside of online/people in real life I'm comfortable with,I'm very different. 🙄
And in case you're wondering how I get by considering that I can't work, I'll answer that question here too. I'm on benefits, employment support allowance to be exact, which is paid into my bank account on Thursdays, over the course of a fortnightly basis. 🙂
And even if I was capable/comfortable with doing a job, there's the added issue of nobody taking me under their wing for something just because I'm autistic. It's disgusting, sure, but what can you do? Not a lot sadly. 🙄 I had it happen with college courses too,unfortunately. 😢
Although things on my end may seem kinda bleak in this thread to you, I have been able to make the best of my situation. I say that, as I've been able to make my routine for how I get through weekdays flexible + I like being able to listen to music for most of the day. 🙂👍
Seeing my carers 3 days a week helps a lot when I see them during the day too & I get them because of me being unable to work, but also to have some real life company outside of my family. 🙂👍
So yeah. As I mentioned already, I don't like talking about this stuff too often, but I suppose those who are new or fairly new to my profile may as well know why I never mention working or whatever. I hope this thread answers this question for the people where this applies. 🙂🙏
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