Good evening, your local harm reductionist telling you to please stop saying "voting for the lesser evil is harm reduction". Both Biden and Harris build their careers imprisoning folks using drugs and selling s e x. I assure you that is the actual opposite of harm reduction.
I'm so fed up
Idc who TF y'all vote for. Use some different fucking language not lifted from communities ACTIVELY harmed by the psychopaths you're desperately trying to bring in! Be fucking creative and come up with some new language. Two cops will never be harm reduction, ever!
Harm reduction is a living, breathing OFTEN CRIMINALIZED model that was built by queers (as in fuck the police and the State), s*x workers (as in: I can't access "civil" capitalism), and ppl who use drugs (as in, the State's fucked me over) to build something counter to the State
And you're going to use that language, a language created by people ACTIVELY disenfranchised from voting, to gaslight folks who're already collateral damage of this corrupt system. Fuck off! Fuck all the way off!
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