I suggest you read ruling yourself to see how far the copyright regulatory apparatus of our country has drifted from individual rights and the welfare of individuals. The judges continually reflect upon a false moral conundrum that paying artists too much might bankrupt streamers
It clearly doesn’t occur to the judges or clerks that perhaps the services could charge their consumers more. Conversely there is no time spent on the notion, that just maybe songwriters are not being paid fairly for the work.
The best they can do is note that songwriters seem to still be producing songs. Like that means we are being paid fairly. This document is unintentional indictment of our legal system. From law schools to courts: No one is the least bit curious how this affects individual.
If groups “consumers” or systems (streaming services) are functioning properly everything must be okay. That fact multiple judges clerks not once reflected upon wonton trampling of constitutional rights of songwriters makes me wonder if they even realize real people involved.
The constant handwringing over potential pre-crime by unrelated parties (record labels possibly maybe extracting surplus value) just show the courts are obsessed with systems and groups. Analysis is not properly grounded in individual rights of songwriters.
Fail. The system is broken. Burn it down. Good night.
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