No, the study ****did not find that****. Not even their own extremely limited data (n=1 person for most tests) show that. And where is the outside scientific comment on this study? WHERE IS IT? Did everyone forget how this works?
&to be clear, no, I am not in the pay of Big Buff or Big Gaiter or whatever. I just don't want people giving up a low-entry opening to protect others based on data for 1 person in 1 kind of garment of unknown provenance. +it'd be super cool to see this covered well #gaitergate
"sample size for most of the mask testing is precisely 1 person... doesn’t capture 1 shouldn’t read too much into the performance outcomes of individual masks based on this study alone, she says." 2/x
&say the authors themselves: "This was never going to be a definitive ranking of all masks under all types of conditions....Doing that would require 100s, or even 1000s, more people testing lots more masks" 3/x
"“What we don’t want people taking away is: ‘This mask will work. This will not.’ It’s not a guide to masks. It is a demonstration of a new, simple methodology for quickly and somewhat crudely visualizing the effect of a mask,” he says." 4/4

OK, y'all?
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