#THEBOOKCHAT kicks off our 2020-21 curriculum with LatiNext on August 30. @JoelRGarza and I would love to hear your voice! And we are releasing one lesson each week on a poem from the anthology created by an amazing Latinx educator. Here's a thread with all the lessons 👇👇👇
The poem “Translation” by @JulianThePoet with a lesson created by @escribescribe

Click on both links below for the lesson and an interactive digital image you can share with students #THEBOOKCHAT

Lesson: https://bit.ly/Randall_Lesson 

Interactive image: https://bit.ly/JRandall_Translation
The poem “Hijito” by @CarlosAGLive with a lesson created by @JoelRGarza

Click on both links below for the lesson and an interactive digital image you can share with students #THEBOOKCHAT

Lesson: https://bit.ly/Gomez_Lesson 

Interactive image: https://bit.ly/Gomez_Hijito 
You can follow @Lyricalswordz.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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