Here is something a lot of people don't know, the mass incarceration of Black men during this period resulted in an increase of HIV rates in the Black community ESPECIALLY since once they were released the men did not have access to HIV/AIDs resources
"In general, Black men and women report less risky drug use and less risky sexual behaviors than whites; so what accounts for the disproportionately high number of HIV infections among Black women?"
"The current interdisciplinary research points to an unexpected explanation: the mass incarceration of Black men."
"The “trend” in question, of course, is the hyper-incarceration of Black men over the last few decades. Between 1974 and 2001, the likelihood of incarceration for Black men increased from 13.4% to 32.2%."
"Incarceration does not just impact the lives of those behind bars; it reaches far into communities, jeopardizing the health status of the partners and families these men return to.
This is largely because of the particular vulnerability of formerly incarcerated people when they are first released. At the same time these men are returning to their relationships and families, their risk of transmitting HIV is elevated & their access to treatment is limited."
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