How to rewire your brain to become a better version of yourself..

A Thread 👇👇
You need to analyze what behaviors you have that are good and bad..

We all have flaws so you need to be honest with yourself about what you are doing that is not benefiting you in any way

Without honesty this will not work.
While speaking about honesty start being more honest in your life


People will respect you more and you will feel so much better about yourself

If you want to know more about this please look into Jordan Peterson's work
You need to realize your brain and body are two different things

Your brain wants comfort it does not want you to work too hard or do new things

Your brain yearns for mediocrity, it will quit 100 times before your body ever does
This is why it requires you to reprogram it and keep it in check

Without the right mindset it will never work

See David Goggins for example, he was overweight and decided to make a change in his life and it started with his mindset
He decided to become a Navy Seal he had to lose over 100 pounds in order to even qualify to enlist in the Navy, he did this in THREE MONTHS

Over 100 pounds in three months is absolutely incredible by any standard

He credits all of this to his MINDSET
He went on to break the record for the most pull-ups done in 24 hours

Went on to writing an incredible book

And is now known as the toughest man alive because he rewired his mind to want greatness instead of mediocrity
Understand what habits and behaviors you have that are stopping you from being the person you want to be

And wire your brain to stop doing that shit. It is not easy it takes time and motivation but the best tool you have to overcome any obstacle is the mind
Stop wanting to do basic shit

Stop complaining about your pay, figure out a way to make more money

Stop complaining about your body, eat right and get your ass to the gym

Instead of saying I can't do it, learn how to do it
There is tons of information out there on how to do what you want to do in your life

But instead of seeking it out you want to sit in mediocrity and blame everything around you for why you aren't where you wanna be

End that mindset
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