List of Reasons why I am voting for the Biden/Harris Ticket:
1. I want Betsy Devos OUT OF OFFICE!
2. I want Ben Carson OUT OF OFFICE!
3. I want to save the USPS.
4. I want to get ICE under control and get those children out of cages and back with their families.
5. Biden and Kamala have already established that they are for police reform. It may not super progressive yet but it wont be the racist "Law & Order" whistle that Trump uses.
6. I want a HALT to the influx of racist/conservative, white male only, unqualified lifetime judge appointments that have been placed on federal benches that could stop any progressive legislation in the future.
7. I want Planned Parenthood to continue to exist and Pro -choice be legal. I also dont want doctors to be persecuted for performing abortions. I would Roe vs Wade to exist.
8. I want a President who doesnt attack Black Civil Rights leaders on Twitter and can actually show up to funerals to pay respect to them.
9. I dont want SCOTUS to swing conservative for the REST of my life.
10. I want a Black Woman appointed to the Supreme Court.
11. I would like a president who doesn't consistently lie all of the damn time.
12. Biden has already expressed his plans for Student Loan debt and will actually do something about it.
13. I want a President who doesn't fire an entire Pandemic team and actually has a plan to fight one and keep Americans safe at all cost.
14. Biden is currently adopting many of Warren's plans and will implementing them during his term.
15. I want Obamacare to remain intact.
16. I want a president that actually listens to doctors and believes in science.
17. I want a President who not buddies with Russia and ignores the threat of death placed on American troops by a foreign country.
18. I dont want a President in office who has been apart of the 1% their entire lives.
19. With Kamala Harris in office we won’t ever have to worry about HBCUs being properly funded!
20. I am voting for the 160,000 plus people who shouldn’t have died if we had a president who took a pandemic serious and didn’t finally put on a mask until 4 months into a pandemic. Oh and who didn’t call it a hoax.
21. Also all of this! We need to clean house!
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