To be clear, here's what I want you all to do:

• Vote for Biden/Harris in the general election
• Get them elected
• Then fight the new administration on every shitty thing they do instead of lapsing into inactivity for four years
• Vote next primary
I know it's more fun to memerag on shitty candidates all day, but please think of the marginalized (like my queer disabled female ass, for one) who just need a government to not actively try so hard to kill us for a minute.
And for anyone who thinks I'm being hyperbolic, medicare/medicaid is life and death. My access to an epipen is life and death. My access to heart medication is life and death. My access to pain management is quality of life vs. wanting to die. I'm not fucking around here.
Would I rather have AOC for president? Hell yeah. She's not perfect, either, but I would knock doors for her (again). I want all socialists. I want a democratic socialist utopia. I want Medicare for All.
I voted in the primaries. Not for this. And if you're going to come after me for supporting harm mitigation in the general, you fucking better have voted in the primaries. As long as you did, get self-rightous all you want, I guess.
Okay, at this point, I have to assume that anyone busy trying to convince me Biden sucks can't read.
Muting this and going to bed.

If you want to scream into the void that I'm a useless liberal, feel free. I canned a reply for you.
Oh, and read my books, I guess.
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