Have you been feeling the pains of twitter burnout? ❌

I want to tell you a bit about it, and how to get back on track ✅

Here's a thread on twitter burnout, and how to avoid it

Time to say NO 🚫 to twitter burnout!

1 ➡ Over Stimulation

Twitter burnout is no joke, but you don't have to succumb to it

That overwhelming feeling you feel is over stimulation, and the best way to deal with it is to take a break

Give your brain time to rest, and filter through your thoughts 🧠

2 ➡ Impostor Syndrome

As you grow on here, you'll see other's doing better than you, and you'll second guess yourself

You might ask yourself, "There's no way I can make it on here"

But that dialog is Impostor Syndrome, and it's not real

You'll be fine, you'll get there

3 ➡ Lethargy

Feeling drained?

All the over stimulation and self doubt will take a toll on you and make it hard to get anything done

That's why you should:

- Take a break
- Get some rest
- Take your mind off of twitter
- Come back when you feel refreshed

You will be fine
I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading this thread, I hope it helps you and I hope it eased your mind

I struggled myself, so you're not alone

It's a real thing, so take it seriously

Rest, Recover, and come back ready to win

Have a great day 👊
You can follow @Ryylocc.
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