as a korean american I’ve dedicated the last few years of my life trying to tell everyone under the sun about how the model minority was created by white people during the civil rights movement to pit communities of color against one another and how we need to address the +
blatant anti-blackness in our own asian communities as well as our proximity to white privilege that we need to dismantle, and the people who are most resistant are the older folks who grew up with using white privilege for survival instead of working together with +
black and brown communities to dismantle white supremacy. and so it does not surprise me to hear what’s going on in korea, but I want to empathize that this is prevelant in the us too. and the saddest part is that us asians cannot be the oppressor. +
but we are taught to believe that if we act like white people we will be safe. even as immigration policies continue to affect my undocumented friends in a primarily korean parish. even when the president of our country calls covid the “chinese virus” +
even as certain Asian groups continue to experience deep poverty and racism and xenophobia, and lack access to quality healthcare and housing. they still think that mirroring their oppressor will benefit them. +
I don’t know where I’m going with this. I’m just frustrated and needed to let this out. Hope this isn’t taken out of context. May delete. Lol. K bye.
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