I really do not be interested in discussing the Crime Bill with anyone who wasnt alive or old enough to understand why ppl hesitated to wear their Starter jackets to school in 92. Or who didn’t know anybody who walked home barefoot bc they sneaks got snatched.
If you grew up in the relative safety of the 2000s, you do not understand what was happening in the late 80s and 90s crime wise. You just don’t. Period. I saw my first dead body on the sidewalk, there for hours, bleeding and riddled with bullet holes at 8 in ‘93.
I buried too many friends and family in my youth from senseless violence and drugs to be on here arggin with ppl who wasn’t there and never asked they mama or grandmama what life was actually like in the hood from 1985-2000. Or ppl who never lived there at all.
Of course I’m older now and in hindsight we all see the ENORMOUS issues with it. You’ll never see me saying it’s not an issue. But I also know the fear, and I saw the yearning for government to do SOMETHING about it at the time. Tell the WHOLE story.
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