We ready? https://twitter.com/EmilyGorcenski/status/1291815671131766784
On August 11, Chris Cantwell pepper sprayed the small group of students and community members gathered to protest the neo-Nazi tiki torch march at the University of Virginia.

I was one of two people to press charges.

He ended up pleading guilty to assault.
Before he pleaded guilty, he sued me and my co-complainant, @GoadGatsby.

Central to the criminal case and the lawsuit was the not-disputed fact that Cantwell was not the only person pepper spraying that night. Several of his fellow Nazis also did.
In the process of trying—and failing—to clear his name, Cantwell threw one of his fellow Nazis squarely under the bus. In the lawsuit, he names "Dragonarm." https://twitter.com/EmilyGorcenski/status/991893350570741761?s=20
"Dragonarm" was so-named because of the tattoo on his arm (which was not a dragon, but ok). He's seen here in this video by @UR_Ninja pepper spraying.
Now, it's interesting because there are many, many clear images of him pepper spraying. Here's another. But if you look closely in image 1, you see another stream of spray.

That was from Robert "Azzmador" Ray (Image 2).
A while back, I named "Dragonarm" as Wil "Atteberry" Smith. It was easy because he was Azzmador's bodyguard and his facebook and myspace were wide open.

Based on this evidence, Azzmador and Smith were both indicted on a Class 3 felony charge of malicious release of gas.

Virginia has no statute of limitations on felonies and does extradite for these charges.
Now, Azzmador is also a defendant in the mega-suit brought by @IntegrityforUSA. He has essentially disappeared. He was dropped by his lawyer and has basically gone off the grid.
Now, the criminal indictments were brought over two years ago. In that time, that prosecutor was voted out of office, and a new Commonwealth Attorney, @HingeleyJim, was voted in.
When I last raised the issue of Azzmador's fugitive status, Mr. Hingeley offered a comment on the matter—Azzmador has not been brought to justice, because he has disappeared. https://twitter.com/HingeleyJim/status/1261419158605987842?s=20
Ok, I said. But what about the other person indicted alongside Azzmador—Wil Smith. Why has he not been brought to answer for what he did that night? Did he also disappear? https://twitter.com/EmilyGorcenski/status/1261419464576208896?s=20
The answer, my friends, is no. Wil Smith did not disappear.
Wil Smith's Facebook profile remains wide open. And his relationship to his partner, Kendra Reid, is out in the open.

It's possible to use this information to locate an address for Smith, in Nocona, TX, where he has always been.

The images on his Facebook are easy to cross reference. And they are recent.
Jim Hingeley has this information.

Wil Smith has not disappeared.

He has an address that took me five minutes to find.

So what's the deal?
Jim Hingeley told me three months ago that he would look into this.

The indictment was more than two years ago.

Wil Smith served as a bodyguard for one of the neo-Nazi leaders at the center of the fatal Unite the Right rally, a man who incited people to "race war."
Smith carried a shield with a Black Sun on it. His buddy had one with a swastika drawn on the back.
Smith is on video unambiguously assaulting people with pepper spray, even going so far as to reach up and over people to make sure he sprayed people several feet away.
But yet.

Why has he not stood trial?

The excuse that he disappeared does not hold.

The excuse that the evidence is incomplete does not hold.

The excuse that statutes of limitations or extradition barriers are preventing this does not hold.
The only plausible excuse is this—

he is being protected, either through deliberate action or deliberate inaction, by law enforcement.
It was three years ago to the day that he committed this assault.

Why we been denied any accountability?

Why are the police protecting a violent neo-Nazi?
Three years or thirty years. I won't rest.
We the people demand better.
You can follow @EmilyGorcenski.
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