Okay so im gonna shed some light on a theory I’ve been studying heavily lately. This isn’t going to be easy to digest, and I suggest having an open mind. Today I will be discussing my “infinite dog loop paradox theory”

Buckle up 😏 🧠

Sheep, y’all can stay out of this one
1 - seen here pictured is just a normal dog, right? Wrong. Let’s take a closer look in the next slide.
2 - just a normal cabinet behind a normal dog. Nothing to see here. Except if you look deeper into cabinets , u will realize there is more than just wood and screws involved. Something far more nefarious.
3 - Barack Obama had his own cabinet. Except it isn’t made out of wood like the one pictured above. It looks like some sort of party. Who else knows a thing or two about parties? The devil. Let’s continue ...
4 - my neighbor recently sent my dad a picture of his dog. Just another normal dog, nothing to see here. Haha NAHHHH. This dog, upon closer examination, has a slight birth defect causing it to resemble the devil. Obama = cabinet = party = devil = my neighbors dog.
5 - let’s move on to dice. Everyone plays Yahtzee, it’s a fact. Everyone. Dice have a maximum number side of 6. 6 x 3 = 11. That’s 11 cabinets for Obama to party in. How is this a coincidence? I surely wasn’t taught this in school.
6 - this guy has a large stomach and is balancing a bottle of liquor upon it
7 - back on 1993 it was proved (DM for source video) that Obama was conducting experiments on dogs. This dog pictured here died of covid in 1995. If covid was, then how come the dog? Who are supposed believe? Open your eyes a bit wider (like dog) as we move deeper...
8 - sick and tired of these fuckin Obama dogs getting some sort of covid ? Who ???? W H O?

World health organization . Run by dogs
9 - another thing Bill Gates (if that’s even his real name ) has led you to believe is that batteries (manufacturing by dogs in WHO stronghold located in texas) are necesssry for covid testing. This covid amplifier here was patented in 1970 and runs on special orange batteries
10 - let’s move on to next of my favorite orange “things “; silly duck with poof hair. Duck + dog = dock

Find your nearest dock and look around. Still not following me??? I figured , idiot
11 - plane in woods. Something (what is it) isn’t adding up
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