No, I didn’t “fall in love” with a candidate. And fwiw, I don’t think that’s what most of the joy about Harris centers on...
First of all, representation matters. If you still don’t get that, no amount of explaining will make you see it; you’ve decided not to or you’ve decided to belittle it to buffer your cynicism.

Either way, fuck off.
Second, I *am* in love with the idea of reversing the hemorrhaging damage being inflicted on our social services, ending the terrorism being waged on immigrants and undocumented workers, and a countless array of other abominations sucking the soul out of this country.
Third, I think picking a running mate who came at you hard in a primary is indicative of a measure of character the GOP surrendered when it embraced Trumpism. It signals a willingness to listen and incorporate. That should give anyone with progressive goals hope.
I could go on, but I don’t pretend any candidates can solve all our problems. I’m not a child.

Today is a good day. If you’re not able to see why, I cannot help you and don’t have any interest in listening to you moan.

Let people have the day.
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