So. My thoughts on Kamala Harris. She's extremely competent, fills in quite a bit of Biden's lack of competency in many areas, and seems to have a reasonable amount of empathy for other people. CRITIQUE ALL YOU WANT, I JUST WANT US TO SURVIVE LONG ENOUGH TO KEEP FIGHTING.
If you come at me with some bad faith bullshit, I will shut you down hard. Because I don't care. I said I was Team Whoever The Nominee Is, and that is exactly where I am. I'm not willing to see more people suffer and die EVERYWHERE for another 4 years. Reduce harm and STFU.
And absolutely, there are valid criticisms to be made about Biden and Harris.
I just don't care right now. The house is on fire, people are dying, in danger if dying, suffering, and no this won't entirely stop it but it may HELP.
To every white person who feels the need to vote third party: your ego is not more important than people's lives. Your ideology isn't more important than people's lives. Your egos fucked us over in '16. Don't do it again.
On this, I'm speaking specifically to anyone mad that their candidate isn't the nominee and/or mad a former nominee got robbed. I didn't even have the option of voting for my chosen candidates at all, not even at primary. We can talk about this shit after the death cult is out.
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