if you're straight, please open this thread ❗️❗️❗️
as you might have seen, a viral news article stated that that lgbtq+ history will now be required to be taught in schools. i haven't checked out the article myself yet, but i plan on doing so. with the huge fame coming out of this article, a lot of hate has come too.
people have said things like "finally a class to sleep through" and other just generally distasteful things. this thread is made to educate you through metaphors on how it is important to learn lgbtq+ history even if you're straight. let's get to our first example.
world history: world history is a common class in american high schools (as well as, i assume, other high schools around the world). before you take world history, you usually take AMERICAN history. just because you're american, and already know your own history,
does not mean that you should not learn about other countries' history. in the end- it is WORLD history. america is a part of the WORLD. it's important to know the history of not only your country, but other countries as well; it helps you to understand current
events, wars, and any crisis going on because they are global issues.
race issues: i'll put it plain and simple. just because you're white, that doesn't mean you don't have to/shouldn't learn about african american, asian american, etc, history. it's important to know the history of people who aren't like you. that history still affects people
to this day. just because you're white that doesn't mean you don't have to learn about slavery. just because you're white that doesn't mean you don't have to learn about the japanese american concentration camps. it's just general history. it may not be YOUR history, but it's
history that is important to others. it still affects those people to this day.
sex ed: health class/sexual education is also very important. if you're a boy, you can't just REFUSE to learn about the female body. as a girl myself (in a health class full of ALL women) me and all of my other woman classmates had to learn male anatomy and male body parts.
if we had just, refused to learn about it, we would be FUCKED in life. same with boys. boys out there- you can't just refuse to learn about the female body if you're willing to learn about the male body. learning human anatomy is SUPER important, even if it's of the other sex.
CONCLUSION...lgbtq+ history: just because you're heterosexual, that does not mean you shouldn't learn lgbtq+ history. that history is SO SO important to us. laws are being made to negatively affect us because of said history. some things you think you may know about lgbtq+
people/mannerisms/history could be falsely proven with a proper history lesson. please think of others, and not yourself for once, before you step into that history class. it may not seem important to you, but that history could be the highlight of someone's day.
thank you for reading through this thread if you did!! this is a topic i'm super passionate about this; i'm so happy that my history will now be taught in schools. have a good day everyone, i hope you learned something today.
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