things that i believe are more important than our arguments about what happens in november (AND BEYOND):
- feeding, clothing and trying to house every single houseless person we see in our communities
- being prepared to open our homes to ppl who need them because of evictions
- doing our best to social distance because we don’t have a vaccine and won’t for a while
- building community with the Black trans/GNC conforming people around us who already have so many blueprints for survival
- placing emphasis on caring and providing for elderly in our communities
- joining/building local organizations with radical politics, ready to respond
- reading and studying to understand the world around us and how we continue to find ourselves in these awful electoral situations
- building on the history of mutual aid that already exists in our communities. food pantries/bail funds/etc
- working on our interpersonal skills: how we talk to each other, how we resolve conflict, etc

feel free to add on to this list

things are bad now and they will continue to get worse. november isn’t a magic pill so let’s not get so wrapped up in it that we lose sight.
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