The truth is some women will never be comfortable in their own skin when it comes to sexuality and that's why they'll die judging other women and perceiving them as a sexual threats. It's a projection. They're uncomfortable, so they have to make you uncomfortable.
The even harsher truth is that the reason why they perceive other women as sexual threats is because they base sex on how a woman can please a man, not something that two people partake in to please each other. This may apply to sapphic relationships, but I'm not sure.
They don't own their own pleasure at all. Sometimes this is a result of trauma, like cheating or worse. Sometimes they feel deeply insecure about their body, such as an inability to orgasm, or the way their body orgasms, or because of how their body looks. Sometimes, it's shame.
And as much as they try to seem cool or sexually liberated, it's honestly to measure themselves up to you, so they can decide whether you are a threat or not. They'll be the first ones screaming, "Yeah, you fuckin' with some wet ass pussy," but they don't live like that.
Be open and they're dying inside with jealousy and insecurity that's beyond their control. They'll turn their nose up at you and call you a hoe behind your back, embarrass you in front of their man or scramble over your sloppy seconds in efforts to prove they're better than you.
That's why I say all women aren't sex positive, their sex positivity applies to only them and whoever isn't a threat. They can brag on their pussy, but it's telling if they're deeply insecure when it comes to yours and what you do in the bedroom.
That internal misogyny ruins all types of relationships. It's sad, but true.
And sometimes it's best to stay private about these things, but women are invasive when it comes to other women, often in the most manipulative way.
They wanna know all your little hoe stories. They'll talk shit about you to men, thinking it'll keep men away from you not knowing or caring that they're crossing your boundaries and painting you like a fucking invitation. Now mfs can't stop thinking about you sucking dick.
And that's why women have to have each other's back when it comes to men, but they don't think about that. They don't think about protecting other women who are more sexually liberated than them, they just care about tearing them down. That shit can get dangerous real quick.
Your openness as a sexually liberated women does not give anybody the right to go and say things about you behind your back to anybody. It shouldn't even have to be said like that. Women just want an opportunity to talk down on women they cannot compete with.
And it's not a competition at all.
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