We've got to stop with the arguments that Kamala Harris isn't a Natural Born Citizen & thus ineligible to be VP.

She was born in Oakland, California so she is a natural born citizen, regardless of her parent's status.

This argument hurts our cause... Let me explain.

First, when you make that your main argument, you detract from all the reasons that she is a horrible candidate, like her history as AG, her positions on issues, and her documented lies.

Stick to issues, not identity.

We're better than they are.

Second, as I just mentioned, it's the identity politics we all claim to hate.

When you say this, you're opening yourself up to leftists claims that your real objection is because she has brown skin.

Don't make it easy for them to discredit your position.

Under Article 3, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution, we ban using "corruption of blood" in the US & while the ban is specified only for Treason, it's a general principle that we don't hold anyone accountable for the actions or status of their parents or relatives.

There are plenty of factual reasons that Harris would be a terrible VP, but her citizenship status isn't one of them and making the argument that it is only hurts our cause and wrongly paints us as xenophobic racists.

We're better than that.

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