we have seen more black faces in high places, and have absolutely fuckin’ NOTHING to show for it. the last couple months we’ve witnessed black mayors, in chicago & atlanta amongst other places, absolutely terrorize protestors, and this is what y’all are concerned with. pathetic. https://twitter.com/nhannahjones/status/1293285812906467335
it’s been LARGELY liberal democrat run cities/states consenting to the police state weaponizing chemical warfare against protestors fighting against the state sanctioned deaths of black people, but you lot are concerned w/ representation—not policy or track record, but identity.
not one black person, of any gender, that has been elected and/or assimilated into the white power structure through w/e means, in the last 60+ years, has actually done anything materially substantial for black, or oppressed people at-large. fuck offfffffffffff
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