bellarke will be endgame and here’s why:
first of all, think about what echo’s arc has been throughout the entirety of season 7. she doesn’t know who she is without someone to follow, even her subconsciousness, in the form of roan, tells her that her love for bellamy is taboo >>
echo’s journey this season is about her figuring out WHO SHE IS WITHOUT BELLAMY. this is building up to be a breakup between bellamy and echo, because it is an unsustainable relationship. echo needs to be her own person, and she KNOWS this. >>
echo ALSO knows that she is not the right person for bellamy. that was pretty much laid out in front of us when she says the line “you have no idea what bellamy would have wanted”. because she KNOWS clarke DOES know what he wants. >>
echo is jealous of bellamy and clarke’s connection. she knows that clarke is the right person for him, and i think she will realize that and do the right thing. echo is not alone, she has a family now, whether we like it or not. >>
bellamy and echo love each other, but i do not think they are truly in love with each other. bellamy needed someone when clarke was gone, echo needed someone to give her an identity. once echo figures out who she is, they won’t need each other anymore. >>
my second point is, bellamy and clarke are going in the direction of romance. they have been for arguably the entire show, but even more so since season 6. bellamy has made it clear that he cannot live without her, and he is dangerously close to >>
figuring out his feelings for her. IF the leaks were correct, then i think next episode will be the beginning of bellamy coming to terms with the fact that he is in love with clarke. why else would he hesitate to say he loves her? >>
obviously he says he loves octavia and echo without thinking twice, they’re his sister and his girlfriend. but clarke? if she’s his platonic bestie, why would he hesitate? unless.. maybe it’s not so platonic after all. maybe this is his wake up call. >>
i could go on for ages about how bellamy and clarke’s relationship is special and unmatched, but i think we all know that by now. and i don’t think we are the only ones who see this.. >>
my third, and final point, is the show runner himself. jason rothenberg. i firmly believe that he is doing this all on purpose. he’s been leading us with a carrot on a stick, holding out for as long as he could. he’s been waiting for the right, and >>
final moment to give us what we want. maybe it could all be bait, but i would like to have a little faith and believe that it wasn’t all for nothing. he’s said it himself, this is bellamy and clarke’s story. if it makes sense for them to happen he will >>
make it happen. and it does. it DOES make sense for them to happen now. things are starting to fall into place. not only that, but he’s trying to get a prequel picked up, and he needs the fans in order to do that. he MUST know that in order to gain >>
support from the fans, he has to give us a satisfying ending. the bellarke fans are fucking crazy, and we will go WILD for bellarke canon. that kind of positive feedback on his show might give him a boost and a better chance to get his next show picked up. >>
i’ve said it once, and i’ll say it again, career-wise, making bellarke canon is the smart move for jason. and if he wants his prequel, he’s gonna have to make us happy. bellarke endgame everyone, goodnight.
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