not that this is anything new, but the fact that we’ve chosen two people who do not support a Green New Deal, do not support Medicare for All, and support increased police budgets and no police reform? disappointed is an understatement. i’m scared.
we are entering into a new era of this world. of this country. we are witnessing a rising up against the entire foundation of policing. we are barreling towards the point of no return for the climate crisis. millions w/out healthcare, in extreme debt, in a worldwide pandemic
this is the best the democratic establishment could give us? a senile racist former segregationist who cannot think for himself, and a cop DA who has decimated and ruined thousands of people’s lives in the US prison system? this is who we’re supposed to be excited for?
we are at an unprecedented turning point in history. we are on the precipice of multiple societal disasters converging. Covid, unemployment, evictions, the climate crisis, extreme police brutality. Lebanon ousted its entire government after a WEEK of protests.
i really don’t know what to say other than i’m angry. i’m so fucking angry that there is literally nothing i can do to stop any of this. not to get too radical on main, but this is what starts revolutions. and we’re all just sitting back and fucking waiting.
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