As a lawyer, I’m voting primarily for the sake of the judiciary. It doesn’t matter how many lawyers are litigating civil rights issues, another four years of Trump appointed judges is something that is quite literally irreparable.
Leaving them to create and shape bad law that will last beyond a presidency because of their lifetime appointments is something that will be a level of terrifying that I think we haven’t even seen before.
I understand this is undesirable for a lot of folks. I do think and hope, however, that the unique position we’re in as a result of everything that we’ve endured for the past few months will still be a point of leverage used to keep the foot on the gas.
In response to a few comments — federal judges don’t only preside over criminal prosecutions. They also preside over and rule on civil litigation, an area that encompasses a wide range of subject matter including, education, worker’s rights, policing, housing etc...
As of this month, 45 has appointed 203 federal judges — the second highest of any US president. I assure you the folks he is appointing are not people who you want presiding over these kind of cases. Unfortunately, they’re there until they retire or die.
If you are not familiar with the judges he has appointed (or their records), I don’t think opining on them being comparable to judges appointed by other presidents (even some Republican appointed judges) is coming from an informed place. Respectfully.
That’s why Mitch McConnell has put legislating at the bottom of his list and prioritized packing courts with very specific people. He and everybody else knows how consequential it is and how it will have an impact greater than the executive or legislative branch tbh.
This is the last thing I’m gonna say about this bc apparently it’s not clear — judicial appointments are not solely reserved for the Supreme Court. There are judgeships for our federal district and circuit courts. The case law set in those “lower courts” is sometimes more impor-
than the Supreme Court tbh because this is where law is shaped and created before it even gets to the SC, if it ever gets there. These folks are appointed as well and are setting law in jurisdictions that are narrower than the country. The law they set impacts different communi-
based on who is on those respective benches. So, my choice to vote because of my concern about the judiciary is not limited to the Supreme Court. Have a nice day, everybody.
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