unpopular opinion (idk?): liz gillies should get the roll of meg in the live action hercules instead of ariana
imo ariana doesn’t rlly suit the role of meg, especially her singing voice. ariana has more of a light, angelic voice, while meg’s character is more rough & powerful voice. liz has a powerful voice & it’s a lot deeper & more suited for meg
also in the original, meg kinda has more of an attitude. liz is amazing @ playing a character w/ a little bit of bitchiness in them. just look at jade west or fallon carrington
we should stop giving a bunch of huge rolls to a list celebrities. they’re already @ the top & don’t need that much publicity bc they’re already in the spotlight. rolls in movies that r basically guaranteed to be a success (disney franchise) +
should be given to smaller actors. a lot of them work rlly hard & r extremely talented & get no recognition at all
just bc ari kinda looks like meg doesn’t mean she should get the roll. im not trying to throw any shade here but i’m just trying to say that imo this roll is more suited for liz than ari. i’ll prob get hate from this thread but these r just my opinions
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