THREAD on Sen. Kamala Harris' greatest hits as a far-left senator and her failed presidential campaign from the RNC Research archives.

Remember when Harris asked a crowd if they wanted her to be president? They said “no” for good reason.
Sen. Harris has embraced far-left immigration policies, including decriminalizing border crossings.
In a disgusting smear, Harris compared ICE officers enforcing immigration law to the KKK.
And Harris is for illegal immigrants getting Medicare benefits.
While she wants to offer taxpayer-funded health care to illegal immigrants, she supports a government takeover of your health care.

She said she would eliminate private insurance (even if you like your plan).
Not far left enough yet?

Harris is basically an honorary Squad member at this point.

She even called AOC’s proposed 70% tax rate “fantastic.”
Harris backs the Green New Deal, and praised its socialist, job-eliminating, everything-banning “principles” as “sound and important”
Harris is aiming to control every part of your life, including your diet.

She wants the government to create “incentives” for Americans to eat less meat.
And say goodbye to plastic straws. Harris wants to ban those.
What about Biden’s ban on fracking? Harris is on board with that too.
And the workers who will lose their jobs under her radical climate plan?

Well, Harris told those workers that they need to “transition” to new jobs.
And the price tags of these programs that are in the tens of trillions of dollars?

Harris doesn’t care because to her, “it’s not about a cost.”
By picking Sen. Harris as his running mate, Biden has confirmed his full embrace of the radical socialist left-wing.
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