There are so many levels of Karens at this #omahacitycouncil meeting.
So far we’ve touched: bullying, BLM, anti-vax, taking this to the Supreme Court and herd immunity. But the current opposer is the #maskmandate doesn’t want to get sick for hers immunity to come into play. Ummm that’s not how that works.
A lot of these opposers seem to be mainly West O people. Just my observations.
Also it’s very clear who lives in the Q Anon rabbit hole.
Also someone needs to tell this Dr to lay off the steroids.
Apparently according to this #roid Dr I just need to drink water to protect myself from #covid19
Actually maybe he’s on speed
Alison the #abolitionist is here to remind us of her religious rights and how we need to make city ordinances based on the Bible.
I love when people come to a #citycouncilmeeting to remind the City Councilmen of the laws they created. As if they weren’t aware. K, thanks Karen.
Hey Karen—I’ll answer it for you—masks worn incorrectly will give you less protection. Duh—I don’t think you need the #omahacitycouncil to tell you that.
She’s also concerned for all the men with beards in Omaha.
Our next opposer reminded us of his college transcript grades probably 49 years ago.
Cool, it’s in the minutes.
So apparently our opposer has a medical condition that he can’t wear a mask? Sounded like he said a mental condition.
He thinks surgeons don’t wear masks long than an hour—pretty certain some surgeries last longer than an hour. He thinks covid is fake.
Next West O Karen: I didn’t prepare but I’m just going to word vomit metaphors that she just slammed the rest of her opposers from using. She has no med background but knows all about how masks are ineffective. #omacitycouncilmeeting
I think she thinks covid is as fake as any immunocompromised disorders. She’s here in her soapbox to remind her that her son was misdiagnosed I there’s a full inherent problem with the medical field entirely. Her current tears are fake. #omacitycouncilmeeting
Ope! Another West O Karen opposing the Omaha #maskmandate she believes masks will make her black out 🙄
She thinks it also allows people more authority to approach her and start a conflict. Sounds like she just wants a reason to fight
Props to the people for bringing visual aids to the #omacitycouncilmeeting
Next opposer of the OMA #maskmandate believes the CDC death numbers are farcicle. Got it, in the minutes.
I think she also thinks bras are farcicle.
☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻Same Karen quoting a tweet from Feb that masks are ineffective. She must think google is also farcicle.
There’s a 97% chance we can live so she also thinks “too bad” to those that have died.
KC Chiefs mask wearing Kevin has apparently found plenty of research that because some masks don’t work then, in fact, all masks don’t work. He also can’t pronounce hydroxychloroquine but thinks that needs to be considered as a treatment alternative. #omacitycouncilmeeting
Lots of Karen and Kevin #maskmandate opposers don’t know how to fill out paperwork to stand on their soapbox. #omacitycouncilmeeting
Pretty certain this #maskmandate Kevin just referred the Drs in the room to look up a YouTube Dr on his stance for mask effectiveness.
Apparently he thinks America is built on not having rules or laws—as if there’s nothing else we are being forced to do.
This Daniel guy thinks he can sue the city if he gets sick even with a #maskmandate
He believes in the right to choose—do you think that applies to women’s rights too?!?
Ohhh it took longer that I thought for sex trafficking to come up with masks. Thanks Dan!
Daniel was wondering if Omaha would also come into his home and tell him he can’t eat bad food. By the looks of him I don’t think that’s an issue anyways #omacitycouncilmeeting
Catholic Karen here with 12 kids to remind us that apparently there rampant aggression towards people who don’t wear masks. Ummmm ok thanks Karen.
She thinks she’s the only one who knows how to wear PPE
Nicole is getting removed for being out of order for reminding the Omaha City Council that the sign language interpreters who needed to be requested in advance was a violation of ADA? She’s being arrested. Bye felicia. #omacitycouncilmeeting
Another West O Karen reminding the #OMA City Council that masks are oppressive. She’s wearing scrubs that she probably purchased before she came. She thinks masks can suffocate you. #omacitycouncilmeeting
180th and Harrison Karen is currently praying and she gave us good news: apparently NE is using bad data thanks to our dear Governor. She still believes vitamins are a cure. She seems so know who’s complying in the stores that require masks but we can’t require masks in Omaha.
Same Karen—totally felt like she has the right to undermine Dr Pour’s credentials. #omacitycouncilmeeting
Downtown Karen and brought up sex trafficking and how we need to focus more on that than anything else ever. The internet told her so. #omacitycouncilmeeting
This #omacitycouncilmeeting is very apparent who takes queues from social media and what they need to focus on.
Sex Trafficking related to masks count: 4
Elkhorn Karen calls her friends bullies. Um, Karen—then they aren’t your friends. Mmkk?
This La Vista white Karen thinks she has been discriminated, divided against and bullied.
Ummm doubtful Karen.
Ope, fake news and mainstream media are the enemies. She was apparently verbally attacked for not wearing a mask. And dropped a WWJD 🙄🙄
The next Karen that calls @WHO @TheWho should know they lose any credibility they thought they had opposing a #maskmandate
You’d think that if all the #maskmandate opposers were so effective at proving their point then the proponent that was left out would have come to the podium saying they changed her stance.
Spoiler alert: she did not.
And now anarchy from opposers of the #maskmandate who are pissed they didn’t get to speak because they were told their forms weren’t filled out correctly (hint: you have to provide your address). #omacitycouncilmeeting
The only point the #maskmandate opposers were able to prove is that they are incapable of following directions probably to prove that they will refuse to wear masks. And think they can sue but they don’t know how city ordinances work I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ #omacitycouncilmeeting
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