With the news that Kamala Harris will be the VP pick, Joe Biden solidified the fact that he will not be getting my vote and I will be signing off of Twitter for a bit.

Biden has cemented himself as the candidate of warmongers, the donor class, and the phony woke crowd.
Trump must go, no doubt. But liberals will have to do it without my help.

I will remain focused on progressive downballot races, state level executive races, and real-world activism for peace, healthcare, a green 21st century, racial and gender equity and justice, etc.
I would have hopped on the Biden train; reluctantly to be sure, but very seriously, had he chosen Karen Bass, Tammy Duckworth, or even Elizabeth Warren (obviously others too that weren't on his shortlist). But I would not abide Harris or Rice for a multitude of reasons.
I see a Biden/Harris ticket as equally destructive to our foreign policy and our domestic policy as Trump/Pence. While different things may be at risk in each administration, I cannot in good conscience bring myself to vote for either one.
So, as a NH resident, I will be voting for a third party/independent candidate in the 2020 primary.
Exhibit A for why Kamala is a horrid candidate and justly got ZERO delegates in the 2020 primary. https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1156750240038510592?s=19
Condoning the deaths of unknown numbers overseas via war, drones, and sanctions because we have hawks & chickenhawks in the White House, just so that I can still pay way too much money to have a medical procedure is unacceptable to me.

Do better America.
You can follow @brianchall.
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