“pedophilia isn’t normalized at all, what are you talking about!!”

how many directors of children’s TV can you name off that have faced practically no reprocussions for their actions

why did the pentagon get away with having terabytes of child porn
why is everything about the clintons and trumps relations to jeffrey epstein being swept under the rug

why do so many people just accept that their favorite actors are pedophiles and still support their work anyways

why are children called sensitive when they call out this
why is the law intentionally vague when it comes to child protection laws

why do so many child predators get away scot free and why don’t we do anything about it

why do we accept that ICE trafficked and sells children
why are children’s suffering used as “gotcha!!” moments to refute that some people could never possibly play a role in this greater problem

why do so many people use innocent children suffering as jokes

why is the stereotype that uncles are raping their nieces so normalized
i am just so tired of this whole normalization of child abuse, & how nobody seems to care until they can somehow use their suffering to justify themselves.

its not a counter argument when you say “what about actual pedophiles!!” jeff. what are you doing about actual pedos, jeff?
at least i’m trying to fight against the normalization of child abuse whilst you look at drawn images of kids and jerk off to them- and somehow preaching that fiction doesn’t effect reality.

you don’t care about real kids, jeff. your friends send kids porn as a joke.
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