Opponents of the proposed Omaha mask mandate are speaking now. The first speaker:
1. Our positivity rate is down [we are testing more]
2. Sweden and herd immunity [nope]
3. There are doctors on both sides.
4. Citing an array of conservative news sites.
5. This is an effort by democrats to to scare everyone because of the election.
6. "masks don't work. Viruses are gonna virus."
Speaker Three:
1. Framing this as fear versus reason
2. Attacking BLM and protests, not sure how that is connected to the mandate.
3. Making a slippery slope argument about masks.
4. There are lots of viruses.
5. Her friend would rather die than wear a mask
Speaker 4:
1. You can make numbers mean anything
2. To know the risk to the community look at hospitals and deaths (he is using raw numbers and not trends--though does note the numbers are "up a little").
3. Making procedural arguments about legality
4. There is no emergency
Speaker 5:
1. Against a mandate, we should all just decide for ourselves [that is not working here].
2. This will hurt the kids.
Speaker 6:
1. Husband of speaker 5 wearing a MAGA hat.
2. Shout out to World Wars
3. Mentions rioting and looting
4. Actually masks make infections worse
5. Says people wearing masks is silly
6. Real leadership is lets "Make America Great Again" and get the truth out.
Speaker 7:
1. We do not have proof that this is an epidemic.
2. Government is faking the epidemic to implement mass testing.
3. The mandate is too vague.
4. It is not the job of the government to govern our lives.
5. We will file civil lawsuits
6. Infections/deaths are faked
Speaker 8/9 (Child and parent):
I am leaving the child out of my commentary. The parent is railing on a specific council member over the role of vitamins in boosting the immune system.

"Savior vaccine uniform"
Vaccines are made from "aborted fetal DNA. Yes, wake up Christians."
Speaker 10:
1. Veteran, I have fought for the rights of everyone here.
2. Masks will lower the number of cases but will not make it go away. It is here to stay.
3. Herd immunity is the only answer.
4. There is medicine already that helps people
Speaker 11:
1. I am passionate about this issue
2. I am compassionate towards those at high risk
3. Each individual needs to make their own choice.
4. Hysteria!
5. Live your life freely without the interruption of someone else's opinion
Speaker 12:
A local doctor speaking now. He is getting angry.
1. He sees patients so why has he not contracted it.
2. We consume too many pharmaceuticals.
3. We just need allergy and chiropractic care.
4. "Give the plant water and it will be well, your body is no different."
5. Your body's ability to fight this virus is greater than you even know.
6. Masks are a "false flag tyrannical" act.

Note: I will not be seeking out Dr. Tapper's practice.
Speaker 13:
1. According to the Bible it is not the government's job to protect my health.
2. There is risk in everything, being safe is an illusion.
3. Each individual must do what is right for themselves
4. Masks became political when the government took up the issue
Sp. 14:
1. City council does not have the authority to do this.
2. COVID is not an emergency, the city is using the wrong data
3. You had 6 months to prepare for this we don't need to rush this (she is right).
4. A mask mandate takes 2 weeks to work because of incubation time
5. There is no evidence masks work
6. If masks are used incorrectly will they make the situation worse?
7. All the men in Omaha will have to shave their beards
8. Some real concerns about proper use clouded under conspiracies about data.
Sp. 15
1. He took bioethics at UNL. Got an A.
2. There is no proof of any benefits with masks
3. Lincoln's mask mandate has not worked [it is early but is has]
4. No actual doctors talked just directors and rich businessmen
5. "I don't believe COVID is real."
6. "A surgeon will tell you that you never wear a mask for more than an hour." [That's not true]
7. I will sit in jail rather than pay.
8. There will be snitches.
9. Scott Frost wants to play football.
10. "Ebola is 50% death rate"
I am noting a trend in opposition speakers being heavily based out west.
Sp. 16:
1. "I didn't prepare for this as all"
2. Big Pharma
3. Administrators in hospitals, schools, companies are behind all of this.
4. We submitted 50+ peer reviewed studies agains masks.
5. She is talking about her child being misdiagnosed, but he is fine now that they have stopped medicating him. [Note: she seems to have some real pain about her child's illness and it is hard to watch]
6. We have trillions of viruses inside of us.
Sp. 17:
1. I am a conflict coach and a mask mandate will just increase conflict because people will feel the right to confront people.
2. "I can't wear a mask without blacking out."
3. This just gives people the right to attack others.
4. How will people with exemptions be identified? [Good question]
5. We are not doing research on the effects of our response to COVID.
Sp. 18
1. COVID-19 has a 97% survival rate. [3% deaths is high]
2. COVID-19 deaths are way over-inflated.
3. What other disease with a 3% death rate have we shutdown society for?
4. Billionaires are using this to get rich. [true]
5. We do not do enough for the poor [true]
Sp. 19:
1. Doesn't understand the difference between the recommendation and mandate
2. Impact on police with recent violence
3. The data supporting masks has problems [Good discussion of using consistent axis on charts]
4. Some materials are bad [true]
5. Study Hydroxychloroquine
Sp. 20
1. I value those who support masks but I disagree.
2. Masks infringe on multiple rights and freedoms.
3. Mandates go against everything America stands for. Masks are not in the constitution.
4. I understand there is science behind it but freedom
5. "the 9th amendment which encompasses all of that together."

Sp. 21
1. We have the right as free Americans to choose
2. If I get sick with a mask do I get to sue you if I get sick? Who do we hold accountable?
3. This is not freedom, this is the gov stepping over our rights.
4. You can't tell me a thin piece of cloth will work. You need to tell us if a certain mask is required or just anything.
5. Masks make child trafficking easier because you cover kids' faces and that makes it easier for them to be taken. [I cannot]
6. We don't do masks for flu
Sp. 22
1. People don't know how to use PPE and that will make it worse.
2. The speaker is talking about sexual assault (I am not going to expand on her experiences). [I really do not follow her argument about sexual assault. I am at a loss.]
3. We need inclusive exemptions
Sp. 23:
1. The sign language interpreter cannot sign verbatim so that is a violation of the ADA.

The speaker has been ruled out of order and is being threatened with arrest. She is out of order for not saying her name. "Every single one of you is on notice."
Sp 24:
1. A mandate is not a law.
2. Your beliefs to not wear a mask are covered under non-discrimination laws
3.This speaker is making a series of arguments about legal rights. I doubt @RLawMack would be impressed.
Sp. 25
1. A positive test don't mean you are contagious.
2. This is a slippery slope [the slippery slope is a fallacy].
3. We need to eat better and exercise.
Sp. 26
1. The mask mandate will hurt children
2. Speaker is praying that council will not do this.
3. Arguing the White House miscounts cases and we are not in the red zone.
4. People are wearing masks anyway
5. An argument by definition of liberty
6. "You are committing an act of domestic terrorism by forcing me to muzzle my children."
7. Dr. Pour is not a medical doctor she is a PhD doctor [that hits me personally]
8. We will sue you for this.
Sp. 27
1. Why are doctors not being allowed to prescribe drugs that work (a ref to hydroxy?).
2. I don't trust Dr. Fauci. Look up his wife the information is on the internet.
3. I am not worried about COVID-19, I am worried about child sex trafficking.
Sp. 28
1. Worried about re-victimizing sex abuse survivors.
2. Masks are a problem for people with autism [this is a problem]
3. "this easy to offend world"
4. Masks make it more difficult to identify child sex traffickers.
5. "Don't make us gag our children."
Sp. 29:
1. Are you going to put bio containment bins all over the city for dirty masks?
2. Speaker has an exemption for a mask because of trauma. Is worried about bullying.
3. Increase in calls to Boys Town suicide hotline. Suicides will end up higher than COVID deaths.
Sp. 30
1. Talking about service in military as a frame for the mandate taking away our freedom.
2. Masks take away your fresh air and getting enough oxygen.
3. "Color of Law"--Probably the 5th or 6th person to bring this up.
4. We just need to eat better and boost our immune system to fight the virus instead of using a mask.

Sp. 31
1. Being bullied and divided is worse than this Plandemic
2. Mainstream media/Fake news
3. She was harassed for not wearing a mask and attacked [which should not happen]
4. A vague reference to vaccines
5. A reference to The Who rather than W.H.O. and I am here for it.
6. Something about TB.
7. Runs out of time as she gets into anti-vax arguments.
Sp 32:
1. Mainstream media propaganda to get people to wear masks.
2. COVID is really small, too small for masks
3. Masks may make people become lax on other preventative measures [true]
4. Oxygen deprivation
And they have closed the comments. Someone is mad they did not speak, I guess they failed to fill out the form correctly.

I worry about the quality of the discourse as they say.
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