My take on the CFB season that absolutely nobody asked for. (a thread)

First I would like to preface by saying CFB is by far my favorite sport, so I, like most of the country, was rooting for a feasible and safe solution to the CFB season. (2/12)
However, it does not sit right in my soul that we are having young adults risks their lives for our sheer entertainment and for universities to make a buck. (3/12)
How can you put a price tag on a student athlete’s life? Is someone’s life really worth a touchdown? A winning season? Rivalry bragging rights? These student athletes are being asked to risk their lives for institutions that not only don’t pay them directly for their contribution
But use their likeness and capabilities to make an insane amount of money that they do not directly get to see. If it is not safe enough for universities to return to campus as they normally would, there is no way it is safe for student athletes to be playing a season. (5/12)
It’s an age-old saying, but student athletes are STUDENTS first. Coaches makes millions of dollars a season, so yes, they can be upset that they may miss out on that paycheck. But is it not a coaches soul responsibility to look out for the best interest of their players? (6/12)
How could any coach say that traveling across thousands of miles on buses and planes , coming into contact with 65+ new people a week, or staying in different hotels weekly in the best interest of their athletes. (7/12)
We are seeing that the bubble model works, but how does a single college town support that many teams at once. Where would they all stay? Where would they all get food from? How will all sports teams find a time to practice in a single facility? (8/12)
This is a lot to ask of any student, let alone a student in a country that is handling COVID-19 the worst. All of this heartbreak could have been prevented and handled back in May if the leaders of this country enforced hard lockdowns and mask mandates. (9/12)
It does not sit well in my heart that thousands of athletes (professional or collegiate) are getting rapid tests and materials needed to be safe during COVID-19 while there are people in underprivileged and marginalized communities being absolutely ravished by this virus. (10/12)
People are being forced back to work because they are fearful of starvation and homelessness, yet we aren’t provided these communities with the materials they need to survive. (11/12)
If you’ve made it this far, you’re a real one.

**I find it also important to note that this thread is coming from someone who works in sports media and whose job is directly affected by all of this, yet I still can’t feel good about sports being completely back. (12/12)
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