like, having a HEAVY existential delusion like that is hard enough just on your own (speaking from experience), but to actively...recruit vulnerable people, including/consisting of children, to share in the delusion in a cult-setting is so dangerous??
i really don't know what to hope for; that this girl knows what she is doing and is having fun at the expense of the mentally ill, or... she's also sick, and really believes she's finding & connecting with others of her kind. What happens if her delusion spirals?
best case scenerio, it's seen that she's sick and people move to help her...but in a cult setting, the leaders are rarely questioned. Remember the Heaven's Gate cult-suicides? that story rings scarily close to home in this delusion's fantasies.
I myself had delusions of being a god incarnated into a human body, and you know what often happens in those types of delusions? they spiral. I was ritualistically suicidal; my illnesses made me miserable, but my psychosis made me believe that to be happy I had to "free" myself
NOT TO MENTION the political implications of the dangers of a cult like this. Look up any article of mass-cult murder-suicides and you'll see that often the authorities knew, and did nothing bc the cult would target vulnerable people deemed 'lesser' by society...
in the 19xx's, often this would include mentally ill POC, and undoubtedly LGBT as well, though these older cults would target lonely adults who felt abandoned by society. This "unicult" thing seems to be targeting youth directly, and the reach is massive bc of the internet. just
IDK i love seeing vulnerable youth in their formative years being subjected to a cult-community. all I can hope for i guess is there's enough people making memes about it that even the kids who would believe will instead take after the masses and see it as a joke
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