1. As genuine criticisms of Yaqeen Institute are getting buried amidst the relentless nitpicking of Daniel Haqiqatjou.

This thread highlights one criticism, their links and collaboration with the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) industry.

What you'll find may shock you.
2. Yaqeen's 'engagement philosophy' has its limits, and their work with establishment figures on CVE is where many reasonable Muslims would draw the line.

Here's an example:
3. Julio Rivera is a paid employee at Yaqeen who is Director of Research Operations.

Who is Julio Rivera?

According to Yaqeen's website:

"...Julio has conducted research with institutes and government at the intersection of Middle East politics and security studies."
4. Seems unremarkable.

Except, not when you read Julio Rivera's own employment history on his LinkedIn profile.

Carefully read Julio's profile and decipher what his employment with the US Military entailed.
5. Julio assisted US Generals in military operations in Syria.

Here are excerpts from the same LinkedIn profile.
6. Julio was "tracking military trends" & "briefed senior military officials... including four star generals".

He also "participated in the development of US military contingency operations... during the Syrian conflict".

Here, Julio 'likes' #OneTeamOneFight

Whose fight?
7. Julio claims his role at Yaqeen is about "what nurtures conviction and inspires contribution in the hearts of Muslims in the United States and around the world".

With his military and CVE roots with CPOST, this is word play for "terrorism".

What is CPOST?
8. We find that Yaqeen's collaboration extends beyond employing people with links to US military adventurism in the Muslim lands.

They work with organisations part-funded by the US Military, such as the 'Chicago Project on Security and Threats' or CPOST.

Learn about it:
9. Robert Pape, the Director of CPOST, is an 'expert' on suicide bombings and steers public discourse on 'homegrown terrorism'.

Listen to Pape arguing how the US should pursue "a middle ground" by using Air and Naval Power.

The US does this now with terrible loss of life.
10. Yaqeen's President Omar Soleiman, like Dalia Mogahed, are normalising Muslim collaboration with leading proponents of CVE.

Do you want this normalised?

Here is Omar with Robert Paper Director of CPOST, and Yaqeen promising future collaboration.
11. Yaqeen's disturbing links with proponents of CVE and employing people involved in US military campaigns in Muslim lands is unbefitting of an Orthodox Islamic Institute seeking the respect of Muslims.

One must ask: how far does this all go?
12. Consider Yaqeen's general trajectory so far.

- Working with proponents of counter-terrorism
- Supporting LGBT causes under Jonathan Brown's 'RACCIO approach'
- Promoting 'an acceptable version' of evolution

May Allah guide us. Ameen.
Here is Part 2. https://twitter.com/TheSultanate_/status/1293651447943487490
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