@TheGreenParty needs to lead the way on inclusion. 💚

Disenchanted Labour voters - many of whom share our core values - should be joining our party in droves. 🥀

Why are they not?

What are the barriers?

Here's what they told me. 🧐

We've lost credibility.

Without serious class analysis they feel we lack the clout to stand as a socialist party.

We might think of ourselves as "to the left of Labour" - and want to attract their vote - but it's clear we've got a way to go.

We're not thought of as an inclusive party.

Islamophobia comes up again and again.

We know this absolutely does not reflect our values or our membership, but it still has a hold on our party.

Again, we now lack credibility on this issue.

We're now losing credibility as an inclusive party for the trans community too.

Our internal elections have caught the ear of some Labour members, and they're hearing what we're hearing - it has to stop.

We should not platform oppressive views.

This train of thought is very common.

Yes, it is flawed.
Yes, it is factually untrue.

But it has damaged us.

Arguably, the message of Unite to Remain was: we're aligned with the Lib Dems, we're anti-Labour we support the establishment position.

We can win over disenchanted Labour voters 🥀➡️💚

We can demonstrate a different politics that aligns with their core values ✊

We can be their voice where Labour is not 🗣️

But we're losing credibility as a left-wing, inclusive party.

Saying we're socialist is not enough.

Our leadership election has brought about discussion on all of the above.

And there's one candidate who has put Inclusion and Credibility at the heart of their campaign @DrSextonGreen

We have brilliant, diverse deputy candidates in @CleoDanceBaton @TomPashby @Amelia_Womack


🗳️ vote wisely this month
🧐 think very carefully about the messages we're sending out
🛑 challenge discrimination with absolute resolve

And let's create another Green wave 🌊 built on Inclusion, Credibility and Success 👊🏽✅💚

Feedback and thoughts VERY welcome.

This is a small sample of Labour / ex-Labour voters. But if this is scratching the surface then that's not great...

We rightly recognise where Labour lack taking responsibility.

We need to take responsibility for the above outcomes too. 🙂
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