I've seen a lot people go from "I don't like Trump. I voted for Obama" to "Ben Shapiro makes some good points" to "Why doesn't BLM say all lives matter?" over the past few years

Who do I blame? Democrats

(and before you get mad...keep reading)
So there's a root issue with these people that allows them to get to this place of racism...but that root issue doesn't *have* to manifest itself. It often happens because these people feel left behind/left out, and the GOP radicalizes them. They don't start out there.
The GOP on its face is completely obsolete and doesn't offer anything of substance to anyone besides super rich people. BUT they instill fear by painting Democrats as "out-of-touch coastal elites who don't care about you"...and the Democratic Party feeds into it!
The Democratic Party could offer substance to Joe the auto worker in the midwest and tell him about how they're going to improve his daily life. But instead, they mostly stick to "Trump is bad. The GOP is bad. We're not Trump. We're not the GOP."
That works for me, but it doesn't work for a LOT of people. Unfortunately, people vote for very basic personal reasons: paying car bills, affording a house, being able to buy food for their family

The DNC doesn't talk about that. Instead, they allow the GOP to start culture wars
While I don't condone it, I understand why Tammy in rural Kentucky thinks the Democratic Party doesn't care about her. They don't speak to her! They just sneer at her.

And in turn, she says "they just care about poor people of color and not poor white people"
While that's completely myopic in the grand scheme of things...that's Tammy's reality. And the Democratic Party does absolutely nothing to speak to it.

This thread isn't an apology for racism. But I think the DNC is nuts if they don't see that they have a hand in fostering it
I'm not saying the DNC should put out ads saying "Racists wanted!". But if Democrats are going to be the "big tent party" they need to be in order to win elections...sneering at people who might be struggling to see why they should vote for you is COMPLETELY self-defeating
We need to empathize with people. Understand their personal realities. SPEAK to those realities. HELP them see why they should vote for Democrats

Anything less is just feeding the culture wars and lets Republicans win elections they have no business even being close in
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