Please don't make another Olajumoke out of that blue eyed woman.

I remember when everyone was gushing about the picture of Olajumoke, and how she was going to be a model, and they gave her this huge house and whatnot, and I said it was a pipe dream and a bad idea, people got mad
The problem with Olajumoke then, and the problem with Risikat now, is no matter how good your intentions are, try as you may, most people are in the socio-economic class they are in as a result of many years of socialisation and class-tailored actions.

It can't be done overnight
If you pluck a poor, poorly educated person out of their environment, and overnight, give them a big house, a big car, lots of money, publicity etc - all things that you would think anybody would want - it still falls apart because socialisation matters far more than you think.
The best way to help someone who you met poor (ESPECIALLY if they're not well educated, because if they are, then most of this won't apply), is to help them shore up their social and economic capital in the world by slowly but incrementally improving their lives over time.
I said Olajumoke was going to be a 5 day wonder, and that's what's happened

Nobody talks about her anymore. Nobody cares about her anymore

Her husband couldn't handle their new life and frankly, neither could she, because neither of them fit in the new class they tried to enter
Don't do the same thing you did to Olajumoke to Risikat and her children, because it's very unfair.

She's a person, and her children are people.

They deserve to live a good life, and that good life cannot and will not be bought with photoshoots and temporary buzz.
You rocket a person so high above their peers with temporary largess for cheap good PR that the people they're used to communicating with are resentful and feel they're too uppity now.

But the people in the new position look down on them because they don't belong.

It's lonely.
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