Although, multiple threads have been made on TYPES OF STANS/FANS, still I'm here spinning a thread of the types of stans or people in general I've personally seen/come across here ! đŸ€–

Let's see how many of you have collided with such people/stans !
Type 1) Calm, composed & unruffled.

A kind of stan who remains cool, minds their business & hypes their fav ignoring all the negativity floating in their fav's tag.
Type 2) Mutinous & intolerant.

This clique of stans cannot bear a single word against their favs whether or not anyone is bashing their fav. Even a slight word of criticism ruffles their feather & they get ready at the drop of the hats with sword and dagger.
Type 3) The gifted editor of the FD

That small bunch of super talented, diligent stans who are literal boon to the FD, who make stunning edits and VMs of their favs.
Type 4) The Shakespeare of the FD

This person has a sleight of writing who stuns everybody with their artistic and metaphorical write ups and elaborate reviews of each episode, helping every stan get a different perspective of each scene of a show.
Type 5) The Jekyll and Hyde of the FD

Stan who behaves like they've contrasting, alter ego of themselves, self-contradicting, who does big talks abt peace & negativity in FD but themselves are a cause of the same negativity, school others but never practices what they preach.
Type 6a) The elite class stan

Big account with lotsa followers, tweets basic stuff which are easily noticeable and others can relate with ! This clique has its own kind of vocabulary which they only can understand. Overall, treats others nicely and seems pretty friendly.
Type 6b) The clout chasing elite class

Those who think they're master of the place and everyone with lesser follower is a peasant creeping up to them. They tweet anything for clout even if it is contradicting to their own nature and temperament.
Type 7) The reaction-inciting person

This set of fans tweet stuff, just for fun and sadistic pleasure, riles up a group of stans of rival fd and derives all-day entertainment with the reaction their provocative tweets get.
Type 8) The daredevil person

Ballsy, fearless who mostly spill the truth bomb that always hit a nerve, they don't think much before tweeting and often get attacked by others and gets called out as toxic wherein they aren't so in some cases.
Type 9a) The obsessive stalker 😂

Extremely tireless and unflagging, no matter how many times you block and get rid of them, they always create a new ID & follows you to obsessively stalk your tweet to give an indirect response from their main ID.
Type 9b) The curious, popcorn loving stalker 😂🍿

These band of people stalk accounts out of admiration or curiosity or sometimes stalk a long chain of tweets, purely for entertainment, of somebody who's giving back to back savage responses to rival stans in fanwars.
Type 10) The superficially know-it-all person

This person acts like he/she knows everything about everything. Tweets things which they have half-knowledge about plainly to create a good impression among others and stay in good books of people.
Type 11) Self-proclaimed leader of FD

This fan behaves like they own the celeb, mollycoddling the celeb and dictating the fans. They take potshots at anybody who does or speaks something related to their fav without their approval or which they find unseemly.
Type 12) The sane, unbiased rare breed

A very rare and small faction of ppl in a FD who gives unvarnished, unbiased opinion about their fav, often give feedbacks and constructive criticism. Often their own their FD ppl get offended with them because of their straightforwardness.
Type 13) The encyclopedia of FD

From old shows to current shows, past FD wars to present spats, offscreen juicy gossips to unheard info. This person actually knows it all, from onscreen work of an actor to their offscreen personality, they are biggest source of info for many
Type 14) The quipster & troll master of FD

Stan with fabulous sense of humor, insanely hilarious who makes the FD laugh out loud hysterically with their witty captions. Some are even skilled at making finest, amusing memes and funny edits of their fav.
Type 15a) Shipper turned solo stan

A then-shipper, now solo fan. They leave the ship on a friendly note and becomes an ardent stan of first-half of the ship yet respect both the individual and accepts the fact that their ship sank gracefully
Type 15b) shipper turned solo salty stan

Accepts that the ship is wrecked but holds any one out of the two liable for the sinking of ship, begrudges at the actor, pretends to move on & stan only one actor out of the two yet doesn't leave a chance to take digs at the other actor.
Perhaps I should end the thread. Couldn't think of any other type of person/stan I have come across as of now. You can quote your friends/mutuals or anyone who you think belong to any one of the above given category or simply cite a certain type of unique person you've met here.
You can follow @gleefulmess.
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