How To Do Things You Don't Want To Do

Without Hating It

// THREAD //
The concept we are going to talk about is a spiritual one

If you aren't into 'woo woo' stuff, I still encourage you to stick around

This is heavily applicable to anyone's lives

The 3 Modalities of Awakened Doing

I got this from the book A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
The Basics:

The 3 modalities

- Acceptance
- Enjoyment
- Enthusiasm

One should be active with ANYTHING you are doing

Especially when it is something you don't want to do
Having one of these active is what helps you stay conscious

They expose the underlying reality of the issue at hand

If something needs to get done for you to achieve what you want in life

You need to accept it, find enjoyment, or be enthusiastic about what you are doing
Example 1: Something unfortunate

You get in a car crash, it totals your car

Most people would burst into tears and freak out

The reality behind it:

The only thing you can do is *accept* what happened and take the steps necessary to make it better
You will never *enjoy* getting in a crash

You can't be *enthusiastic* about getting in a crash

The only thing you can do is accept what happened and do what needs to be done.

Crying about it and cursing the world will only make it worse
Example 2: Doing the mundane

You've been putting off cleaning the house (boring example i know)

You can keep putting it off, or you can face the reality

Your house needs to be clean, it's important, and you know this

(That is why it is causing you pain and annoyance)
In comes the *enjoyment* modality...

You don't have to work on something meaningful or fun to find enjoyment

Enjoyment is a natural byproduct of 'living in the moment'

AKA not projecting into the future:

"Ughhh I have to clean the house" is a projection

It causes stress
Pull yourself back

Focus on the task at hand

And make it enjoyable

Throw on some headphones, blast your favorite tune, and grab the cleaning supplies
Example 3: A task pertaining to your goals/vision

You want to do great things

You probably have SOME kind of vision for your future

Whether it be a lot of money, a big house, or just living a peaceful life
I've talked about this before (quite a lot actually):

Your future is based off of your actions

You achieve goals by doing things everyday that will put you closer to achieving them

But... sometimes we don't want to do those little tasks

They don't sound appealing at the time
This is where *enthusiasm* comes in

You need to remind yourself of your goals/vision of the future

You need to understand that these small steps are what will take you there

This makes it much easier to be enthusiastic about what you are doing
Enthusiasm ties in with enjoyment

If you can truly enjoy what you are doing (based on the earlier example)

And pair it with a vision/goal

That enjoyment becomes enthusiasm

This is what adds a spark to your work

Some people do this without even knowing
Last thing, this thread was about doing things that you don't want to do

But, the contents of this thread are only possible to do if you remain present

Your focal point needs to be on the task in front of you

Negativity cannot exist if and when you are fully present
As always, if you enjoyed the thread

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