Older white homeowners need to understand that their home ownership was given to them on the basis of race. Subsidies for the suburbs was freely given to them while Black home ownership was denied. My Dad’s uncle was denied housing because. Well.
He “didn’t quite fit the neighborhood character and wouldn’t he be more happier where he did”.
Now 40 years later, when we need to build housing for more people, build up where we are, and neighborhoods need to become desegregated
But these same older White homeowners are denying new housing in their neighborhoods saying that this is in the benefit of “Black & Latino” neighborhoods. How? I really want someone to explain how this is in the benefit of people like myself. Or like a woman I work with Janet.
Janet's mother was denied housing & schooling opportunities on the basis of race. Janet was able to attend a high school that her own mother was refused entry. Would these same White homeowners support reparations for Janet's mother?
Or will they continue to "protect and preserve" the "neighborhood character" that was subsidized directly for them all those years ago?

Desegregate the suburbs.
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