Very reasonable folks ask “Gait you don’t really distrust US/European medicine do you?”

You have perhaps spent time with scientists or doctors or premeds. This statement will ring true for you or it will not.

“They have poor insight into their own motives”
This is not just scientists. Nearly all domain experts. I know soldiers who will take group credit for courage but no group blame for bloodshed. I know economists who are not willing to accept they were useful idiots for oligarchs and rent seekers. Pastors, abortionists, etc
If anything scientists and doctors have an extra mechanism to prevent painful self criticism: applause. Every doctor, even the jock sniffer and the Botox peddler with a bad divorce and an arrangement in Vegas, has a narrative of self sacrifice and “helping people”
Chesterton has a great quote about how the tyranny of people who think they know best for us is worst, because they will never rest. This is not just commies. This is everybody who shilled the food pyramid. This is every doc who got paid to give a talk on Prozac in the 90s.
Science as a discipline was once “nullius in verba”, a congenital scepticism, a refusal to believe even experiments that couldn’t be replicated.

“Trust the experts” is literally the opposite.
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