I know i said i was gonna be ia but i wanna come back to say why is it that WHITE creators are getting so much clout and praise for being pro-black and meanwhile black creators are still struggling? I really do not like how the Black Lives Matter movement has been taken over by +
white Tik Tokers and Twitter users meanwhile black people are STILL not being listened to. I barely see any actual black voices at the forefront of the movement anymore. Yall are fucking colonizing our struggle and our problems for clout and its so disgusting. Why is it that so +
many people with racist or shady pasts are being excused and even BUILDING A PLATFORM off of BLM because they posted a tweet just regurgitating what black people have already said numerous times. The movement is about BLACK people, so why is it that you only listen to BLACK +
people when a white creator just steals what Black people have said about BLM and shares it with their white followers for woke coins? Im so sick and tired of seeing white creators getting praised to high fucking heavens just for not being racist??? And meanwhile the actual +
Black voices are being drowned out by performative activism. For example, Elijah Daniel. I absolutely do appreciate what he is doing for the movement and I do believe he is a true ally, but why are we praising him for it? Why are white people treating a white man like a messiah +
for issues that dont even affect them? I’m not saying we should not be supporting what he is doing, but I’m saying do not glorify being an ally. This is just one example of many. It is what you are SUPPOSED to do. You guys are creating a situation where people see actual allies +
essentially get clout for being pro-black, and then people who aren’t actual allies want to hop on the train and get clout too. This has caused black voices to be drowned out in their own damn movement by millions of white teens who want to get woke likes by STEALING the words +
black people in the movement and redistributing it to their larger platform under the guise of it being their own supportive words. This is not to say white people cannot be allies, or that we cant appreciate white/non black allies, I’m just saying they are simply that. ALLIES. +
We need to be listening to the actual BLACK VOICES in Black Lives Matter and uplift them more than we are praising white people for posting one petition. You can still wholeheartedly support allies but that should not come at the cost of listening to black voices. Y’all have +
literally stolen our movement away from us. Its time to give it back.
I looked for a video talking about this and i found this. Here is an actual black voice you should be uplifting and she makes very good points in this video
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