As the state looks to further concrete itself into society, the anarchist is no longer allowed to rationally believe that the state can be dismantled from the inside, by reform or dissolvement. It must be overthrown. Thus insurrection is an obligation.
The education of the oppression of the marginalized, has grown to a majority. And that education has sparked anger. Yet solutions are lacking presence, as they’re often presented by the very state that causes the oppression. Thus the cycle continues.
The objective of insurrection is to break the endless cycle of ineptitude that continues the oppression of the marginalized people, and classes.

Thus insurrection is the obligation of ALL who seek to destroy oppression.
The idea that the bourgeois state will surrender its power to the people that it seeks to control, may have held true in earlier societies, but has a stronghold of falsehood today, and an impossibility for tomorrow.
By taking part in the states systems, you validate the state, thus you validate the states self regulatory systems. A regulatory system which has proven to be inept, by allowing the state to cut itself endless slack, at the expense of the oppressed.
If you are someone who believes in the states regulatory system, I must ask; how do you plan to hold the state accountable when it has proven to ignore your voice, and fails to hold itself accountable?
If you believe in the states self regulatory system; how do you plan to be heard when your voice has proven to be drowned out by those who hold more capital than you?
Thus insurrection is the obligation of those in the working class.
If you are marginalized and believe in the states self regulatory systems, I must then ask you;
How do you plan on ending your oppression by validating the same state that enforces your oppression?

How do you plan to speak with the knee of the state on your neck?
How do you plan on holding a state accountable when it refuses to hold itself accountable, and disregards any efforts outside of its own inept system as “invalid.”
Do you realize that they are calling your own voice invalid? This is no longer red vs blue, as they’re all complicit
For all that believe in the states self regulatory system; what do you plan to accomplish? And How do you plan on being heard by a state that refuses to hear you? That refuses to listen?
Thus insurrection is the obligation of those who wish to be heard.
As we see the results of the anger of the masses, we need to capitalize. We no longer have the luxury of waiting. The state has proven that it will not leave on its own, thus we must strike.
Waiting is defeat. The longer we wait the more of the people will turn back toward the state, as they will see no other solutions.
Thus we must give the people another solution.

Thus insurrection is our obligation.
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