1. We've become numbed to the catastrophic degrading of America @realDonaldTrump has inflicted on all of us. 160K dead. Millions infected. Tens of millions who need tests and can't get them. The one's who get them are completely useless because the results take so damn long
2. to get to those impacted. We are supposed to be the leader of the free world, the most advanced society in the history of the world. When in fact we've become a backward nation incapable of handling a public health crisis. That's because of Trump.
3. We have an election in November that Trump is actively trying to steal. Through bullshit lies about voter fraud and destroying the postal service, not to mention racist voter suppression all to keep power at any cost. We've got a President who won't retaliate against Russian
4. killing our soldiers. A President who is too lazy to get involved in the pandemic response or the stimulus negotiations because he's too busy tweeting, watching tv and golfing. And let's be honest, he's too stupid to do the job. And he's a sociopath who won't let anyone else
5. do it. He lies as easily as he breathes, he believes the pandemic is a plot to screw him because he can't have a feeling for anything other than one for him. He is a monster, a monster our political system created. Yet we treat his insane ramblings like news rather than the
6. ravings of a lunatic. And our newspaper editors idly sit by helpless saying the election is too close for us to call on the biggest failure in our country's history to resign for the good of the people. And don't get me started on the Republicans in Congress. They literally
7. will agree with anything Trump says or does, no matter how crazy, because the only thing they care about is power, keeping power and not pissing off Trump voters.y They don't care how many die, they don't care about their families, they only care about themselves
8. If they cared about the country, they would have worked with the Dems and forced the President to develop a national strategy to deal with the virus. But they went along with him making a political judgement that it would just go away and reopening the country was the only
9. that mattered. Now they want to do the same thing with schools and college athletes. All to prove, no matter how many lives they risk, that they were right all the time. And how about the economic devastation. 40 million unemployed, screwing around with unemployment payments
10. but joyously letting 10 trillion into the capital markets so that wealthy investors can get even richer. I could go on forever, but i won't. This situation is totally fucked up and pretending it will all just get better is no strategy. Democrats and Republicans, if they
11. care about the country, have to pressure the President to resign. Or have him removed. He's done enough damage, thousands are still dying every day. So enough with let's decide at the ballot box. Are we all really willling to sacrifice 100k more lives so not to upset our
12. political system? A system that Trump is unilaterally and deliberately dismantling. I think not. Patriots in government need to stand up now or forever live with the stench of Donald Trump for the rest of their lives.
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