1/ #PleaseHelpPoland. Why? Because it's a country where it's illegal for same-sex couples to get married but legal for religious extremists to spread Nazi-like anti-LGBT propaganda that implies a link between being queer and pedophilia. Legal to call us rapists.
2/ #PleaseHelpPoland because here, in order to legally transition, trans people have to sue their own parents. Doesn't matter if you're an adult, doesn't matter if your parents hate you or died a long time ago. If it hinders your transition, too bad.
3/ #PleaseHelpPoland because a same-sex couple holding hands will trigger stares, insults and violence but if we destroy a car plastered with posters calling disease-spreading rapists we will be arrested.
4/ #PleaseHelpPoland because our far right government has turned the national media into a propaganda mouthpiece which continuosly and viciously attacks LGBT+ people, implying we are a foreign ideology. We have been called a threat to family, a threat to the nation and its core.
5/ #PleaseHelpPoland because religious extremists are infiltrating the government, the judiciary and the press. The future is looking bleak; more anti-LGBT legislation is regularly promised and since we are the enemy, anything that targets us results in more votes.
6/ #PleaseHelpPoland because 1/3 of the country has now been declared an 'LGBT-free zone' in one form or another. There is no hate speech protection. No transgender medical care standards. Last year the police have thwarted a bomb attack on a Pride. Sentence: one year in prison.
7/ #PleaseHelpPoland because just today I have heard someone yell "Fuck rainbow scum" at me because I carried a rainbow bag. Within half an hour of sharing online, I saw two other people complain of similar situations that happened today. This is our norm now.
8/ #PleaseHelpPoland because we are scared this will not stop until we are dead.
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