Day 2 of #MLANet20 and I'm filled with my yearly rage and disappointment at the lack of appreciation and understanding of basic and crucial library services. #HospitalLibrarianProblems
Has COVID-19 taught y'all nothing? Being able to provide access to the RIGHT resource at just the right time, and in some cases, and brief synthesis of that resource is crucial to good patient care. #mlanet20
Yes, there are SO many things that we can do in addition to this. And we should do them. In many libraries there is a need to do these things. #MLANet20
However, it is vital to never forget that no matter what type of health science librarianship you practice, there is a patient involved somewhere. A person's LIFE is somehow involved. #MLANet20
Basic and crucial library services = providing timely quality health information to providers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. What I do has VALUE. #MLANet20
Yet every year, I am somehow made to feel that my job isn't as important or is somehow less because I can't do cool and interesting things. #MLANet20 #HospitalLibrarianProblems
Everyone at #MLANet20 has valuable insight. Everyone's situation is different. No librarian is better or worse because of where they work or how they do their job.
We are all MLA. It is important in this critical time how you can learn from colleagues doing different things. How can you help clinicians in difficult situations? How can you help researchers? #MLANet20
MLA is a diverse group and I am always troubled at how it seems to segment the second we all gather together. #mlanet20
These are troubled times. EVERYONE should keep an open mind about all types of library services. You never know what you will need to offer in the future. #MLANet20
But we should all strive to remember that behind every health science library encounter of any kind, there is some kind of patient who needs quality information. #MLANet20 /endrant
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