C’mon, it’s just 15 days to “flatten the curve”. It’s for the greater good.

C’mon, it’s just a mask. It’s for the greater good.

C’mon, use your debit card. Cash is dirty. It’s for the greater good.

C’mon, it’s just a vaccine. It’s for the greater good.

C’mon, it’s just a microchip. It’s for the greater good.

In the last 5 months, the government has taken almost complete control of your life through the constant media fear porn.

They’ve made us fearful of each other and hate those that won’t comply.
They’ve used masks to divide us. And it worked splendidly. The masks were an easy way to test us. To see who would comply. And about 80% of people have.

It terrifies me to see people so willing to give up their rights and freedoms without a fight...for the greater good.
We are currently on our way to total enslavement. If we don’t fight back, the government will control every aspect of our lives.

With cash gone, if you disobey, with a flick of a switch you no longer can buy anything. Need groceries? Do what we say, and you can.
The sad part is, most of society has lost the ability to think critically. They have been spoon fed by the media what to think.

Do you know what a useful idiot is?

A person who has been manipulated to further a cause/political agenda without comprehending the cause’s goals.
All these people screaming “just wear the mask!” are useful idiots.

If only people understood that together, we have the power.

Divided, we are weak. United, we are strong.

It’s time to fight back. Our children’s futures depend on it.

#NoMasks #NoMandatoryVaccine
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