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Maria is a radfem who was attacked by a gender extremist at Speakers' Corner in 2017.
Despite the attack being recorded and CLEARLY showing that Wolf repeatedly hit Maria, the gender extremists are claiming that Maria attacked Wolf. 1
Wolf was prosecuted and convicted, but Maria was compelled by the court to refer to Wolf as "she".
This is a clear example of male violence: individual (Wolf attacking Maria) and institutionalized (judges demanding that the victims use their abuser's preferred pronouns). 2
Here is the link to the entire (high quality) recording of the attack. It's clear that 3 young men ganged up against an elderly woman.

Here is late Magdalen Berns' video on this attack. 3
Here is a link to a text where gender extremists are claiming that "Tara" Wolf is a victim of state and transphobic persecution. The language justifying Wolf's violence is typical language of any male abuser in the history.
Gender "activism" is terrorism.
You can follow @IStandWithHer1.
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